Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Maybe I'm not crazy

I had a revelatory meeting with my therapist today.  Zi tracks my weekly responses to a questionnaire about various aspects of my emotional and mental health, and today zi showed me a graphical representation of my overall state, week by week.  Basically, the graph demonstrated that, on the scale of zero to rubber room, I was only about a fourth of the way up the scale even when I felt my worst, and I've been getting steadily better since the semester began and I had hard-and-fast work to do, instead of having lots of free time all day long to fret.  I'm a lot healthier than I worried I might be.

And being a busy professional academic makes me healthier.

Dig that thought.

I'll say this for myself: as much as the details of my current position annoy me, and as much contempt as I have for Ghosttown at large, I can honestly say that I love doing my job.  And, as I can now demonstrate in my teaching evaluations, my students can see it.  Maybe, just maybe I can even make that come through in my book for my readers.


  1. Crazy is relative (pun intended?) I'm glad you like the job --- there's a huge learning curve and then it goes back to being fun, no?

    Now if only we can convince somebody to give us a permanent paying job! Or, alternately, a huge pile of money.

  2. Work definitely contributes to sanity, I think, especially if you don't have a robust local personal life (which is kind of like work to maintain, isn't it?)

    I bet that enthusiasm will shine through in your book. Words have a way of grabbing on to it.
