Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New job!

Cute-as-a-Button University offered me the job!!  I'm over the moon about this, for all the reasons that I have previously detailed.  And, as icing on the cake, it pays a lot more money than Ghosttown U.  I mean, whoa.  They're even throwing me a sizable packet of moving expense reimbursement.  On the merits, there is literally no professional reason to stay at Ghosttown U. now.  I already told my chair here, and although zi was disappointed that zi had a late-breaking vacancy to fill, zi understood the situation once I quoted the salary and the teaching load.

I am going to leave Ghosttown U., and Ghosttown itself.

I don't think I can even describe to you how happy this makes me. 

I have renewed optimism that I can and will hit the job market full force this fall.  The early signs – and yes, maybe it's just a smokescreen, but why be negative? – from my soon-to-be colleagues at CBU all indicate that they're interested in me and my work, and they want to help build me up as a good job candidate, even when I won't be their long-term hire. 

Plus, now that I know the path my academic year will take, I can finally deal with all those fiddly details that had been on the back burner: which new bank to look for, what sort of summer plans to make, etc.  I feel a lot of security in knowing how things will play out, despite the fact that I am a professional pseudologist whose stock in trade is, to some extent, making sense of near-chaotic uncertainty.  My blood pressure has already dropped, I slept like a log last night, and I have various appointments with friends to drink in celebration.




  2. Congratulations! That's GREAT news!

  3. Woo-hoo! Congrats, Dr K!! So, so excited for you!!

  4. Congrats congrats congrats! So glad you're moving on to a place that seems like a better fit. Even if it's not forever, short-term gigs can really play a big role in how we understand ourselves (and understand our options) as teachers & scholars, and the sounds like a great place to do it.

  5. Good thing you invented a new drink recipe eh? Mabrouk!

  6. Hot diggity damn! This is awesome news! I am so very, very excited for you. :)

  7. Hooray! I'm so happy to hear it, and especially because it sounds like you will have you a happier head-space in which to keep doing your thing.

    1. Seriously! This blog could use a little cheering up, based on the aggregated posts of this year to date.

      Happier head-space, here I come!

  8. WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BEYOND THRILLED FOR YOU! Will you be any closer to me? How did I just make this about me? I'm sorry! :) Many congratulations, my dear!

    Love, Andrea

    1. I forgive you your solipsism.

      I believe I will be further from you, but much, much closer to your old stomping grounds. ;)

  9. YAY!!! Huzzah for Dr. K!! Wishing you lots of happy days of planning!

  10. EXCELLENT!!!!!! So glad to hear this--and so, so good for your mental health. How much longer until you can blow the popsicle stand of Ghosttown?

    1. Depends on what kind of summertime work I can score. If I don't have a significant income during the summer, I won't be able to afford to break my lease, which would mean that I'd have to move at the end of July. I don't trust subletters as a rule, and in any case I have to oversee the final move-out.

  11. Thanks, all! I'm still basking. :D


    Hooray, hooray, hooray! This is fantastic.

